© 2015-2020 - Phone Spam Adriano Petrucci


This is a database with black-listed numbers. It is just an addon for the phonespam module, to block the incoming phone spams.

IP's in Switzerland

Last update: 13.Aug.2024


Total phone numbers76'200'000
Total providers43
Last update: 13.Aug.2024


Region Lausanne021 XXX XX XX
Region Genève022 XXX XX XX
Canton VD024 XXX XX XX
Region Freiburg026 XXX XX XX
Region Wallis027 XXX XX XX
Region Bern031 XXX XX XX
Region Biel-Solothurn-Neuenburg-Jura032 XXX XX XX
Berner Oberland033 XXX XX XX
Region Bern-Emmental034 XXX XX XX
Zentralschweiz041 XXX XX XX
Region Zürich043 XXX XX XX
Region Zürich044 XXX XX XX
Schweizerischen Bundesbahnen051 XXX XX XX
Region Winterthur-Schaffhausen052 XXX XX XX
Region Rapperswil055 XXX XX XX
Region Baden/Aargau056 XXX XX XX
Firmennummer058 XXX XX XX
Region Basel061 XXX XX XX
Region Olten-Aargau062 XXX XX XX
Region Ostschweiz071 XXX XX XX
Pager074 XXX XX XX
Swisscom Mobile075 XXX XX XX
Sunrise Mobile076 XXX XX XX
Virtual Mobile077 XXX XX XX
Salt Mobile078 XXX XX XX
Swisscom Mobile079 XXX XX XX
Service080 XXX XX XX
Region Ostschweiz-Graubünden081 XXX XX XX
Combobox086 XXX XX XX
Private net087 XXX XX XX
Regione Ticino091 XXX XX XX
Internal number099 XXX XX XX
World prefixes271




The most information and images are from the web.
A particular thanks to iconfinder for the most icons.
World flags image are from https://www.deviantart.com/vathanx/art/World-Flag-Icons-PNG-108083900
Phone numbers and info are taken from Local.ch
Your IP: